Author: admin

*Disclaimer: The information in all of our articles is of a general nature only and should not be relied upon as advice. You should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances before entering into any transaction.

Investing in your Future

Investment in property has always been a popular way to grow wealth. There is a reason for the saying, “As safe as houses.” The down side to real estate investment does not lie in the investment itself but in the administration of rentals and in dealing with the actual tenants. In theory, a rental agreement

Understanding Fees to Property Managers

Successfully running a rental property usually means acquiring the services of a reliable property manager. The property manager takes care of a lot of things for the property owner, including looking for a good tenant for the property, collecting rent and checking if repair or maintenance work is needed in the premises. Service quality should

Positioning Property Investments the Position One Way

Operating since 2001, the company is positioned to be the property management agency of choice for both property investors, owners and tenants. “We are achieving success in our aim to be one of the leading property management organisations in Australia through depth of expertise and capability, top-level performance, and consistent service delivery,” declared the company.

When Selling Properties, the Best Time May Be Now

Investors in real estate basically put money in properties in the hope that the investment would yield them profits eventually. One good way of making a profit off your property investment is to sell it at a higher price than when you purchased it, plus the cost of the improvements that you may have put

Suburban Living

When we think of suburban living, we think of a wholesome environment to raise kids in a gorgeous garden and friendly neighbours. Suburbs are especially popular with young families raising young kids. They are not without their dangers though. Although generally safer than an inner city environment, there are still criminal elements even in good

Determining the Value of Real Estate Properties

Determining the value of a property is a job of a real estate appraiser. Property value means the fair market value of a piece of real estate property. The actual value may be higher or lower, depending on the size and location of the real estate, and any improvements on the land.   Looking at

Getting the Best Price for your Property

When it comes to selling your property, you are bound to get a lot of advice on the best way to go about this. Some people will advise you to sell the property yourself without an agent others will say that the best way to offer your property for sale is through an estate agent.

Carpet Maintenance Before Vacating a Rental Property

Although moving can be a hassle it can also be necessary as well. As such, when you move out of a rental premises you have certain responsibilities and obligations that you need to oversee. Things such as repairing any damage you caused, cleaning the premises properly and making sure it is left the way you

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